Faith Life
Student Formation and Ministry

Freshman Formation

Highlights In Year One...

Over the summer before freshman year, our newly admitted students get their first formal introduction to our Catholic identity and Ignatian spirituality that extends into the WOLFPACK WELCOME.

Our freshmen focus on prayer and storytelling with the help of upperclassmen who share their own stories of Faith and service.

List of 6 items.

  • Freshman Retreat called “CORPUS” (Latin for “Body”)

    Freshmen stay on campus for this day-long retreat, during which they explore their membership in the Body of Christ, their gifts and their connection to the Ignatian family. Our youngest students also attend a service fair during retreat to understand the ways they can serve their greater community.
  • Mass

    Every month we celebrate “First Friday” Mass. On the first of those gatherings, the upperclassmen “clap in” their freshmen peers. Saint Ignatius has Mass every day in the Cuneo Chapel for anyone in the Ignatius family who would like to join. A special class Mass for freshmen and sophomores and their families, rounds out the first-year  Mass experience.
  • Mentorship

    During the first semester, freshmen students are paired with an Arrupe Mentor, a senior leader who helps them get situated to life at Saint Ignatius College Prep.
  • Reconciliation

    As in every other formation year, freshmen get protected class time to pray and receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation during Advent and Lent.
  • Service Work

    Students can work on half of their 10 hours of service work right at Saint Ignatius (at something like Open House), and the other half off campus (doing things such as tutoring, spending time with senior citizens or at a food pantry).  
  • Theology

    Formation and Ministry works to enhance what students are academically studying.  Freshmen focus on theology and the foundations of Catholicism.

Contact Us

List of 1 members.

  • Photo of Edelquine Shivachi

    Sr. Edelquine Shivachi 

    Interim First Years Chaplain

Saint Ignatius College Prep

Saint Ignatius College Prep, a Jesuit Catholic school in the heart of Chicago, is a diverse community dedicated to educating young men and women for lives of faith, love, service and leadership.