Wolfpack Sports

Pack Place 2nd at GCAC Championships

The Wolfpack ended their season at the GCAC Championships hosted by Mother McAuley. The Pack defeated Resurrection (25-3, 25-9), St. Francis (25-19, 20-25, 16-14) and Loyola (25-15, 25-18) in route to the championship match. The Wolfpack would face off against Mother McAuley taking game one 25-19 but the Mighty Macs would edge the Pack 26-24 in game two and take the match after a 15-10 win in set three. Sarah Johnson led the Pack offense on the day while Anna Herber and Sadie Sandercock anchored the defense. 

Saint Ignatius College Prep

Saint Ignatius College Prep, a Jesuit Catholic school in the heart of Chicago, is a diverse community dedicated to educating young men and women for lives of faith, love, service and leadership.