Student Life

The Dean's Office

A Message from Dean of Students Mick Swanson...

Most people view the Deans' Office as a punitive place, but we emphasize the Ignatian Value of cura personalis, or "care for the whole person." At Saint Ignatius College Prep our goal is to form young men and women according to gospel values for the greater glory of God. Discipline is essential to this goal, but our primary focus is on formation and helping young people become men and women for others. Here you will find the rules and regulations that all students must abide by. Violation of these rules will result in consequences, but they will always be carried out in a compassionate manner and with reconciliation in mind.

Reasons to Call or Report to the Office of the Dean

List of 6 items.

  • Report an Absence

    When a student is absent, the parent(s)/guardian(s) should call the Deans’ Office at 312-421-6435 no later than 8:30 a.m. on the day of the student’s absence. Voicemail messages or an email to from a verified parent email are both acceptable to report an absence. Absence notifications must include the student name, date, and reason for absence.
  • Report an Anticipated Absence

    If your student must be absent from school for reasons other than sickness, please get permission from the Deans' Office at least two days in advance using the form below. Hard copies of this form can be found in the Deans' Office

    Download Form
  • College Visits

    • Seniors are allowed three college visit days and juniors are allowed one college visit day. 
    • College visits will not be excused after the last Friday in April. 
    • Please request permission for college visits using the Anticipated Absence Form two days before the visit.

    Download Form
  • Early Dismissal

    If your child is leaving school early, he/she should present the Early Dismissal Form, upon arrival at school, before 8:00 a.m., to the Deans' Office.  That note should cover the reason for the request and the following:
    • HOW the student is leaving - picked up (preferred), signed out, leaving on own, etc. 
    • WHEN the student is leaving 
    • WHERE the student is going

    Download Form
  • Tardiness

    • Lateness due to a doctor's appointment requires a note from the doctor upon arrival.
    • No note=Tardy
    • If your student is simply late to school, he/she must report to the Deans' Office immediately upon arrival at campus. A student arriving late, but before 8:30 a.m is allowed six tardies for the year before he/she gets a JUG.
    • Every tardy thereafter = Detention
    • 12 tardies = Tardy Probation 
    **Your student must be in school for half the day in order to participate in or attend co-curricular or athletic events after school.
  • Closed Campus

    • Once your student arrives to campus, he/she stays here until the end of the school day. 
    • Any movement off campus requires permission.
    • Your student may leave the building at 2:05 p.m. if he/she has last period free.
    • Consecutive free periods at the end of a day require a note for earlier dismissal.

What is a JUG?

There are actually a couple of definitions for the term. Some say it's a Jesuit form of detention, and an acronym for "Justice Under God." Others say the word "jug" comes from the Latin sub jug(o).  Translation: "under the yoke." Teachers and administrators give jugs for dozens of reasons ranging from dress code violations, to tardiness, to character issues. If a student receives a JUG, he/she typically has to serve the JUG/detention the same day, immediately after school, for one hour.

Office of the Dean Contacts

List of 4 members.

  • Photo of Mick Swanson

    Mr. Mick Swanson 

    Dean of Students
  • Photo of Cristina Medina

    Ms. Cristina Medina 

    Associate Dean of Students
  • Photo of Kim Pagels

    Ms. Kim Pagels 

    Administrative Assistant
  • Photo of Erica Montegna

    Ms. Erica Montegna 


Here at Saint Ignatius College Prep

...we expect students to abide by dress code guidelines, which we detail in our Parent/Student Handbook.  We are making them both easily accessible to you here:

Saint Ignatius College Prep

Saint Ignatius College Prep, a Jesuit Catholic school in the heart of Chicago, is a diverse community dedicated to educating young men and women for lives of faith, love, service and leadership.