Summer Courses and Camps

Incoming Freshmen Courses

Registration for Summer 2025 is OPEN!

Welcome to the Wolfpack!

The spirit of the Saint Ignatius College Prep community is central to our student experience - and we want you to feel like a member of the Wolfpack before freshman year even begins.  We offer academic courses, athletic and other co-curricular camps, and the Wolfpack Welcome, a summer orientation for incoming freshmen.  Registration for all summer classes, camps, and programs can be accessed by the Campmanagement link at the bottom of the page.  Join the Pack this summer!

Summer Academic Courses for Incoming Freshmen

Prep Courses
Saint Ignatius College Prep offers several courses designed to prepare incoming freshmen for the rigor of the first year curriculum.  Freshmen who are enrolling at Saint Ignatius are eligible to register for College Prep Reading, Grammar and Writing, Algebra 1 Prep, and Science Prep.  These courses will run during June Session (June 9 - June 27, 2025; No classes on June 19) and July Session (July 7 - July 25, 2025).

Credit-earning Courses
A limited number of spaces will be available for incoming freshmen to take a semester Introduction to Art, Introduction to Music, or Total Wellness 1 course over the summer. These graded, credited, 3 hour, three week courses begin on June 9 and conclude on June 27, 2025 with no classes on June 19. There is a separate fee for each course. In the Total Wellness course, preference will be given to freshman students enrolled in a year long Band, Orchestra, or Choir course. Because of the preference for full year Fine Arts students, this course will be passcode protected until March 21. After March 21, remaining seats in Total Wellness 1 will be available for any incoming freshmen. For detailed information on topics covered in each course, please consult the Curriculum Guide posted online.

Athletic and Co-Curricular Camps for Incoming Freshmen
The summer schedule is designed so that incoming freshmen can take academic courses in the morning and still attend an athletic or other co-curricular camp in the afternoon.  Please check out Athletic Camps and Co-Curricular Camps for more information.

Wolfpack Welcome – Summer Orientation 
Facilitated by school administration, faculty members, and rising Saint Ignatius seniors, Wolfpack Welcome is designed to help the newest members of the Saint Ignatius community acclimate to life on campus while learning school traditions, meeting new classmates, and becoming acquainted with the WOLFPACK schedule and school buildings. 
All incoming freshmen are strongly encouraged to register for a three day morning or afternoon session. Wolfpack Welcome is a registration option through the Campsite Registration portal. There is no fee for Wolfpack Welcome, but all students must be registered through Campsite. Add your Wolfpack Welcome selection when you are completing your summer registration for other courses and camps!

List of 8 items.

  • Algebra 1 Prep

    This three week course is offered during both Summer Sessions for incoming freshmen and reviews arithmetic topics, including fractions and decimals. The course also introduces the proper use of the scientific calculator, the use of variables in problem-solving, signed numbers and graphing on a coordinate plane. Additional lessons on note-taking and reading a mathematics textbook are included. The course is open to all freshmen but is especially recommended for those whose test scores on the Entrance Exam indicate that they may need further preparation prior to freshman year. This is a non-credit course and does not replace the Algebra I course during the regular school year.

    Dates: June 9 - June 27 (No Class on June 19) or July 7 - July 25, 2025
    Times: 8:00 am - 10:00 am or 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
    Cost: $300
  • Algebra 1 Survey

    Eligibility for this course is by MATH DEPARTMENT INVITATION ONLY

    This asynchronous online course is open by invitation of the Math Department to those incoming freshmen whom the department designates as nearly ready for Geometry but lacking some algebraic skills or understanding. After the Math Placement Exam, students will be notified
    if they have been selected to take this course. Any student who takes the course must earn a B+ or higher before he or she will be allowed to take Geometry in the freshman year. If a student is invited to take the course but chooses not to do so, the student will be placed in Algebra 1 for freshman year. Students will be invited to take this course based on their scores on the Math Placement Exam.

    This class will be asynchronous except for a final exam during the week of June 23 - June 27, 2025.  All students are expected to complete all coursework, including the final exam, by June 27, 2025. 

    Cost: $650
  • College Prep Reading, Grammar and Writing

    This three week course is offered during each of the Summer Sessions and will enhance the language skills of incoming freshmen, especially in the areas of reading, grammar, punctuation, usage, writing, speaking and vocabulary. The course will include outlining; specialized reading skills and strategies for various disciplines (literature, history, language); and skills pertinent to the study of foreign languages. While the course is open to all freshmen, it is especially recommended for those whose test scores on the Entrance Exam indicate that they may need further preparation prior to freshman year. This is a non-credit course and does not replace the English 1 course during the regular school year.

    Dates: June 9 - June 27 (No Class on June 19) or July 7 - July 25, 2025
    Times: 8:00 am - 10:00 am or 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
    Cost: $300
  • Introduction to Art

    This credit-earning three week course fulfills one semester of Fine Arts credit for incoming freshmen. Introduction to Art teaches students the skills, techniques and various processes in making art. Students will be introduced to a variety of materials such as: pencil, charcoal, soft pastel, oil pastel, ink, watercolor, and clay. Students are taught the formal elements of drawing; line, space, value, color, form/shape, texture, and composition as well as the formal elements of sculpture. Even though this class is skill based, this is a class that most importantly focuses on building confidence in art making.

    Dates: June 9 - June 27 (No Class on June 19), 2025
    Time: 8:00 am - 11:00 am
    Cost: $650
  • Introduction to Music

    This credit-earning three week course fulfills one semester of Fine Arts credit for incoming freshmen. Students will develop music theory skills, historical knowledge, and an understanding and appreciation of music. Students will learn to play the guitar. Music theory will be applied through composition and guitar performances.

    Dates: June 9 - June 27 (No Class on June 19), 2025
    Time: 11:00 am - 2:00 pm
    Cost: $650
  • Science Prep

    This three week course is a non-credit, non-graded option for incoming freshman students who want extra preparation for the Physics course they will take as freshmen. This course is for students who are looking to develop skills that will be utilized in their future science courses at Saint Ignatius. The course will focus on experimental design and using data to understand natural phenomena. Students will become familiar with the Vernier iPad applications and probeware when collecting and analyzing data.

    Dates: June 9 - June 27 (No Class on June 19) or July 7 - July 25, 2025
    Times: 8:00 am – 10:00 am or 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
    Cost: $300
  • Total Wellness 1

    This credit-earning three week summer course fulfills the one semester Total Wellness 1 requirement for all freshmen with an emphasis on fitness training and educating students on current health issues. Preference will be given to students who are enrolled in a year-long Fine Arts course. Students who are enrolling in a year-long Fine Arts course will receive a code for accessing Total Wellness registration before March 17.  After March 17, any available seats will open for enrollment for any member of the incoming class, regardless of Fine Arts coursework. The objective of the course is to educate students on how to train properly in a weight room and to assess aerobic and anaerobic development. There is a concentration on sportsmanship and teamwork within the environment of the class and pertinent information on various health matters which adolescents should learn and understand. Students will be involved in aerobic and anaerobic training, weight room activities, team/individual games, and health education.

    Dates: June 9 - June 27 (No Class on June 19), 2025
    Times: 8:00 am - 11:00 am or 11:00 am - 2:00 pm
    Cost: $650
  • Wolfpack Welcome

    Wolfpack Welcome is a three day orientation session for incoming freshmen.  Students acclimate to life on campus while learning school traditions, meeting new classmates, and becoming acquainted with the WOLFPACK schedule and school buildings.  Students will be assigned to a "Den" with a senior mentor to help guide and welcome our newest students.  Wolfpack Welcome is a free benefit for all freshmen and is strongly encouraged for all incoming students.

    There are four session options (Choose one).

    Monday - Wednesday, June 16 - June 18; 8:00 - 11:30 a.m.
    Monday - Wednesday, June
    16 - June 18; 12:30 - 4:00 p.m.
    Tuesday - Thursday, July 15 - July 17; 8:00 - 11:30 a.m.
    Tuesday - Thursday, July 15 - July 17; 12:30 - 4:00 p.m.

Saint Ignatius College Prep

Saint Ignatius College Prep, a Jesuit Catholic school in the heart of Chicago, is a diverse community dedicated to educating young men and women for lives of faith, love, service and leadership.