Invest in Ignatius

How to Donate

Invest in Ignatius

How to Donate

We sincerely appreciate your support.  Your contributions allow us to educate current and future Ignatians.  Below you will find details on various ways you can contribute.

List of 11 items.

  • Direct Gifts

    Cash, Checks, Credit Cards & Electronic Fund Transfers:
    Direct monetary gifts are accepted in the form of checks, charges or money orders. Credit card donations are welcome with Visa, Discover, MasterCard and American Express. However, making a donation online using a direct debit is encouraged as 100% of your donation supports our students and programs. You can also set up your donation by using our automated payment system in the increments that work for you. 

    Please send offline donations/checks to:

    Saint Ignatius College Prep
    c/o David Stephens
    1076 W Roosevelt Road
    Chicago, IL 60608
  • Stock Delivery Instructions

    Thank you for your interest to donate a gift of stock to Saint Ignatius
    College Prep. Please contact / 312-432-8321 with the number of shares and name of the company as well as the broker sending the stock.  Click here for more. 
  • Wire Transfer Information

    Click here for more information.
  • IRA Distribution Letter Template

    This one-page letter is pre-filled with the information you need to make a distribution to Saint Ignatius College Prep. Click here for more. 
  • DAF Summary

    The objective of a donor advised fund (“DAF”) is to create an efficient charitable-giving vehicle that provides some of the benefits of a private foundation. Click here for more. 
  • Pledges

    Donors may pledge their support to Saint Ignatius College Prep during the fiscal year ending June 30th. Pledges to the annual campaign - Tuition Assistance and Parent Pledge Program - are expected to be fulfilled within that fiscal year. Please contact a development officer for more information on making a pledge.
  • Stock Gifts

    To notify Saint Ignatius of a gift of securities, please contact Dave Stephens with your information (name, address, phone number), the name and type of securities to be gifted, the number of shares, and the date you intend to make the gift.  312-432-8321.
    Broker Information
    Read More
  • Matching Gifts

    Check with the human resources office at your place of employment for a matching gift form, and enclose it with your contribution. For a list of matching gift companies, please contact a major gifts officer or look up your company online.
  • Planned Gifts

    Fr. Arnold Damen, S.J. Society:
    There are various types of Planned Gifts that Saint Ignatius College Prep can manage, including charitable gift annuities, deferred gift annuities, bequests and life insurance, as well as transferring assets of real and appreciated property. The Estate and Tax Advisory Council — made up of alumni, parents and friends of Saint Ignatius College Prep — is available to assist benefactors and the Development Office in finding the best strategy for each individual. We invite your partnership in continuing Saint Ignatius’s heritage. Generous benefactors who have remembered Saint Ignatius in their wills and estate plans during their lives are members of the Fr. Arnold Damen, S.J. Society. The purpose of the Fr. Arnold Damen, S.J. Society is to strengthen the mission of Saint Ignatius College Prep by involving its alumni, parents and friends with the contemporary work of the school. For more information on any type of planned gift, please contact Michael Lanigan at
  • Gifts-in-Kind

    Another way benefactors may choose to help the students of Saint Ignatius College Prep is through gifts-in-kind. The value of these gifts is included in the respective individuals’ total giving throughout this report. Please contact a member of the development staff if you have questions about what types of services are needed, and how to give an in-kind gift. Please note that in-kind gifts cannot be used as pledge payments.
  • Donating Material to the Saint Ignatius College Prep Archives

    Before sending a donation to the Archives, potential donors should review the collection scope statement in the Collection Philosophy document. If a donation falls outside of the collection scope, it will not be accepted into the Archives. However, the archivist, Angela Perine, can be contacted ( to discuss alternative options for  your donation. Once the donator is certain that their donation is within the collection scope of the Archives, they should contact the archivist to get final approval and a copy of the Deed of Gift. The archivist will confirm that the proposed donation is within the collection scope and then arrange for the delivery of the archival  material and the Deed of Gift via mail or in person. The Deed of gift should be reviewed before contacting the archivist, but not filled out until the final approval of the archivist is received.

    Archive Collecting Policy

    Deed of Gift

Saint Ignatius College Prep

Saint Ignatius College Prep, a Jesuit Catholic school in the heart of Chicago, is a diverse community dedicated to educating young men and women for lives of faith, love, service and leadership.